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2596 Small Manger

A scene of several cast ceramic figures. In the back there is a square wooden structure and an angel atop it, arms outstretched. Mary kneels to the left, arms crossed, while Joseph stands to the right. Baby Jesus sits atop a straw bed in front of them.
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Our Price: $120.00

Product Code: 2596

Mold for Casting Ceramics
Casting Size: 9.5" T

Complete nativity scene includes 2582 Small Ethiopian King, 2583 Small Arabian King, 2584 Small Persian King, 2596 Small Manger, 2597 Small Mary, 2598 Small Joseph, 2599 Small Jesus, 2600 Small Shepherd Boy, 2601 Small Shepherd, 2602 Small Standing Camel, 2603 Small Laying Camel, 2604 Small Angel, 2605 Small Cow, and 2606 Small Donkey & Sheep.

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